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really good, really hot, but why do i have to fight nearly 100 alley enemies just to get to level 4


You're right, the grind is a bit much right now. It's not a bug, but I'm tweaking the progression to make it more rewarding. Level 10 will be the max, and I’m aiming for a better balance!

Really like the game, but is there a way to keep your save from previous versions?

gonna work on a solution for that!

Great game, but I miss an image gallery or something where you can see your curries growth stages or interact with.


that's a great idea!


Ok I dig the idea but good lord it's way to tedious to grind xp. didn't make it past 3 since it just has a massive jump to 2000 xp. Which will take way too long considering how little you get from enemies at this point. Also I find the fishing game more frustrating then anything else. Not sure why it's designed like that.

I totally get where you're coming from, the grind can feel excessive right now. The XP jump was unintentional, and I’m working on tweaking the balance to make progression smoother. As for the fishing game, I hear you – it’s definitely not as fun as it should be. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Amigo, subir de nivel es demasiado tardado. La cantidad de experiencia requerida para los niveles mas bajos es demasiada. Podrias bajar la cantidad de experiencia requerida porfavor

Tienes razón, el progreso está un poco pesado. No es un error, pero estoy ajustando la progresión para que sea más gratificante. El nivel 10 será el máximo y busco un mejor equilibrio.


Feels like something got messed up in the last patch. Leveling feels way slower than before

Any chance for preg?

I have some things in mind related to that <3



ok i've found 2 major glitches, the first is if you have a furry faint and just cancel the switch, then it counts as you having won the battle, and then subsequent battles will be an auto win without even entering the battle screen until you heal your currently fainted furry.

the second is if you try to enter a battle with both fainted, then the game seems to just full on crash. 

both happened on the web version, dont know if its different on the downloaded version

Thanks for the bug report! those things are already fixed and will be pushed with the new update!

will there be futa 


yes, in a future with an option to turn it on/off :)

Is is possible to add ass growth/expansion in the future?

When furries level up, they grow bigger (in size) and stronger! 😊

Glad to know~ Another question. Is possible to add something to toggle the boobs off the fox girl? When it comes to FMG I, personally, prefer pecs rather than boobs. No problem if it won't be possible either, its just a minor detail.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll think about how I can add that option. Appreciate your input!




will watch this with interest


<3 thanks!