Alpha 0.4 - Quests, Bosses and a new Furry!

We’d like to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to our amazing patrons  and discord members for their continued support, as well as to everyone who has provided valuable feedback and reported bugs. Your contributions are invaluable and help us improve the game. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey!

Key Updates and Features:

  • Map Improvements: The map’s font has been enlarged for better readability, and a hover effect has been added to highlight key areas, providing a more intuitive experience.

  • Sasha’s Store Revamp: We’ve redesigned Sasha’s store to offer a wider variety of items and improved functionality, making your shopping experience much more enjoyable.

  • Bunny’s Store Update: Bunny’s store now buys all types of fish, giving you more flexibility when selling your catch.

  • Combat and Furry Updates:

    • You can now see the current boosts your furry has during combat, allowing for better decision-making in battles.
    • A bug that caused Furry’s boosts to stack incorrectly between different fights has been fixed, ensuring smoother combat mechanics.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented furries from being stored correctly when left at home.
  • New Wolf Furry: We’ve added a new Wolf Furry, available with three unique paths: FMG, WG, and BE. This opens up new strategic options for your team.

  • Leveling and Progression:

    • The maximum level cap has been increased to 100, and enemy levels across zones have been balanced. For example, enemies in the Forest zone now range from level 1-10.
    • The leveling-up animation has been slowed down for a more immersive and rewarding progression experience.
  • HP and Boost Fixes:

    • A bug that set your HP to 1 after applying an HP boost has been resolved.
    • The back button has been locked during combat to prevent accidental exits, ensuring a more seamless experience.
  • Quest System Overhaul: We’ve revamped the quest system to make your journey even more engaging. New quests have been introduced to keep the adventure exciting and challenging:

    • Master the Basics (The foundation of your journey)
    • Trouble in the Alley (Unlocks after completing Master the Basics)
    • Beach Cleanup (Unlocks after completing Trouble in the Alley)
    • The Nightshade Clan (Unlocks after completing Beach Cleanup) - This is where you’ll unlock the Wolf Furry!
  • New Enemies and Challenges:

    • A new enemy, the Deer Guardian, now appears in the Forest after you’ve hunted too many deer. Prepare for a challenging encounter.
    • The first boss fight has been added—gear up for a tough but rewarding battle.
  • Golden Fish: A rare Golden Fish has been introduced, rewarding players with double the money for 80 gold coins. It’s a valuable resource to add to your collection.

Once again, we extend our deepest thanks to all of our patrons and players who have shared feedback, reported bugs, and supported the development of the game. Your involvement continues to help shape the future of this project, and we are committed to providing a better gaming experience with each update.

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Pretty neat update. Haven't beaten the wolf boss yet, but here's a couple of notes when it comes to this update and beyond:

  1. In the previous versions of the game I tended to use the skip feature to speed up combat encounters when grinding. With this update however, it seems that something must have changed in the battle UI that the skipping simply bugs out. Namely, when the text skipping is enabled, there's some sort of lag (for a lack of a better word) when choosing the options during combat. The choices don't light up when hovered over, and when you want to select them, you have to do click them several times before the game registers it. I doubt that this is intended behavior, even when considering that the back function has been disabled for combat encounters.
  2. When reaching the current max growth of the characters at level 45, their chibi portraits don't update to their third image (screenshot below for refence, both charaters at level 46, but the chibi images are clearly the ones for stage 5 at level 25)
  3. Whenever you reload the save you also restore the furries to their max health and mana points. Is this intended? Doesn't feel like it.
  4. Finally, not a bug report - while the new leveling system is better than what how it was previously, the jump between the strength of enemies at the beach (where they range between around levels 25 to 35) and the wolf's den (where they range between around levels 40 to 55) is kind of overwhelming. There definitely should be an additional location, with enemies at levels in between the two (with the wolf's den maybe having its' encounters in the 45-55 level range). As it is right now, if you want to fight in the den after being done with the beach, you are basically trying your luck to see if you encounter an enemy that has a manageable level advantage (which I'd say is up to 9 levels above the player) , or 10+ levels above you, which is basically impossible to beat. This is doubly important since the wolf boss is a multi-stage level 60 encounter, which means you have to grind in the wolf cave anyway, because of it being the quickest way to get exp at the current endgame. Of course this stops being an issue after you start reaching around level 45, but still.
  5. Speaking of the wolf's den, shouldn't the name be more like wolves' den or something, as in plural? Because clearly there's more than one wolf to be encountered in there ;)
  6. And speaking of the enemy levels, adding some sort of information on the possible levels of enemies when choosing to hunt for them in the various areas could be a pretty neat quality of life addition. Doesn't have to be much, just some text added to the appropriate choice at a given location should be enough (so instead of "Fight some creatures" it could be "Fight some creatures (lvl x - y)")
  7. Speaking of quality of life additions, it would be good to consider adding a way to overview your currently used furries without having to go back home to use the "Manage furries" option. As it is right now the only other option is to get in a fight, which I wouldn't consider a good one.
  8. Similarly to the previous point - adding some way to overview your current inventory, that is currently owned items and money, without having to go to Bunny's Store. Speaking of the store - why is the Golden Fish not sellable since all the other types of fish are? Seems like an oversight to be honest.

I think that's all for now? I might make an additional post after beating the wolf boss and unlocking the wolf-girl. We'll see.


Alright, I'm back, beaten the boss, unlocked the new girl, here's some extra things to consider or forgot to mention:

1. The new girl's skill is pretty good, pairs well with the WG path that I have chosen for her right now (I mean, if you highlight this path on the title screen it's almost as if you were obliged to try it out ;))

2. Update on the chibi portraits issue: they do in fact show up, but on level 50. I think you must have made it so that the game simply checks if the current character level is divisible by the appropriate growth stage - so stage 1 on level 1, stage 5 on level 25, stage 10 on level 50. The thing is it doesn't work that way if the growth stage increases every fifth level, see the table below:

As you can see, the formula isn't 5n (where n is the stage number), but rather 5(n-1), with the exception for stage 1 at level 1.

3. Another thing about saving, that I forgot to mention, it looks like on loading it doesn't load the scene you saved at, but the scene before, so if you saved at the forest (for example) after being home, after loading you will start back home, rather than at the forest, unless you start doing some trickery, like saving at the fishing scene, so that you may load at the forest.

4. Finally, getting to the final levels is absolute grind (go figure) which is compounded by the relative uselessness of the sandwich at the later stages of the game - not only does it heal too little to be useful as a healing item in the wolf's den encounters (or some higher level beach ones for that matter), its' XP boost is so small per single item (in comparison to the XP granted by defeating enemies so that the boost may be substantial), that you have to basically do what I did, which is buying them in great amounts, fighting in the forest, and then spending multiple turns eating sandwiches to get that bonus. This I think, highlights 2 things. One, is the lack of stronger healing / XP boosting items after the sandwich. The second, is the lack of an ability to use items outside of combat. The former is obvious to solve: appropriate items need to be added. The latter is also simple, an ability to use items out of combat should definitely be considered for future updates, preferably with the ability to use more than one of a single item type at once. This could be part of the the whole inventory overview idea mentioned in my previous post.

I think that's all for this update right now, cheers!

How do you unlock the third furry? Do you need to beat the game? That feels counterproductive.

Yeah, you need to finish the nightshade quest given to you in the wolves' den, and the third furry girl is then unlocked as a reward. If you haven't done it already, as a tip I'd recommend leveling your furries to at least lvl 52 to make the wolf boss battle easier, since she has 2 phases, of which the second is much tankier than the previous AND she is immune to stuns.